At Active Spine Care, we integrate quality Chiropractic care with various soft tissue techniques and rehabilitative training to help you achieve your optimal health goals. Our treatment program is tailored to every patient’s individual needs and concerns. We are committed to providing you with the most up to date treatment options to make sure your problems are quickly and effectively resolved.
Here you can find more information about some of our treatment options. However the best way to find out what will work best for you is to schedule a consultation with us. You will then have a chance to discuss your needs and how we can tailor a treatment program to achieve these goals.
(904) 878-1158
A doctor of Chiropractic specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of spinal and joint related problems, and their effects on the nerves and surrounding muscles.
The Spinal Decompression Treatment Program is a comprehensive program to create lasting results. Patients typically experience significant improvements within 15-25 treatments.
Chiropractors are experts at analyzing posture relating to spinal problems. A simple yet effective Chiropractic check-up allows us to detect any imbalances in the body, especially from a young age, and correct them before the body has a chance to grow into the poor posture.
Headaches, back pain, carpal tunnel syndrome, shin splints, shoulder pain, sciatica, plantar fasciitis, knee problems, and tennis elbow are just a few of the many conditions that can be resolved quickly and permanently with Myofascial Release.
Our clinic offers adjunctive Physiotherapy modalities alongside Chiropractic care to strengthen damaged soft tissues and restore normal muscle tone to the injured area. The use of these various physical modalities also helps control inflammation and restore normal blood flow to the affected region.
At Active Spine Care, we will examine your lifestyle and health goals and work at ways to achieve this balance. It is important we incorporate this into an overall healthy lifestyle.